Explore & Draw – Doris and Lillian – Rochester from Strood


Members of Medway-based art group Explore & Draw came together at the Royal Engineers Museum with the purpose of creating this exhibition inspired by what they discovered. Each artist has each responded in their own unique way, some drawing directly from personal connection to the Royal Engineers, or the inspiring stories of others contained within these walls.

Doris and Lillian

Gabi Mind

This installation represents and celebrates the women serving in the UK Armed Forces. On 1 April 2021, there were 16,740 women in the UK Regular Forces, accounting for 11% of total strength. The proportion of women in the reserves is slightly higher at 15% (5,650 women). The largest proportion of women is in the RAF. The MOD aims to get 30% of military personnel to be female by the year 2030.

This work also celebrates the work of women like my grandmothers during wartime, who worked in traditionally male jobs; the head pays homage to the iconic ‘Rosie the riveter’. The scarf collage work is printed onto scarves, as these were used to keep women’s hair safe in factory work and also used to carry secret messages and maps during wartime. Doris was a nickname term for female military personnel and the name of one of my grandmothers. Lillian my other grandmother was a riveter during WWll.

Rochester from Strood

Leah Schofield

Acrylic Painting


Allotments at Strood

Leah Schofield

Brusho Watercolour


Dancing Across Medway

Leah Schofield

Watercolour Painting


This collection is inspired by local wartime artist Evelyn Dunbar. She also lived in Strood and shared a similar view of Rochester Castle and Cathedral to mine, seen in her painting also titled “Rochester from Strood”. Here I painted my own view, which I painted looking out of my bedroom window from life. I also painted this contrasting view, “Allotments at Strood” only a few streets away, across local allotments. I am fascinated with the way the Castle and Cathedral have shaped the landscape across Medway and have captured them “Dancing Across Medway” in these watercolour studies.

Leah’s Facebook and Instagram can be found here and here, and more information about Evelyn Dunbar can be found here. (Please note these are external sites which are not associated with the Royal Engineers Museum).

Explore & Draw at the Royal Engineers Museum runs from 4th April to 25th June

31 March 2023